non non non, je ne suis pas devenu fou… pas du tout, il se pourrait même que cette energie prorpe (sic ?) soit notre avenir en effet d’après Slashdot, cettre prouesse est possible et marcherai pour fabriquer de toute petite batterie avec quelques composant dont l’urine humaine…
Urine Powered Battery Developed Posted by ScuttleMonkey on Monday August 15, @06:13PM from the powered-by-relief dept. Saeed al-Sahaf writes "Research investment into developing smaller and cheaper chips to process information in disposable health tests has been significant, but they were still reliant on an external power source. The researchers at Singapore's Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology think they have overcome this problem with their latest urine powered battery. From the article "The battery is composed of paper, soaked in copper chloride, sandwiched between layers of magnesium and copper. The whole thing, once laminated in plastic, is just a millimeter thick, and 6cm by 3cm in size." The breakthrough promises a cheap and disposable power source for home health tests."
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