Voilà, c’est pas pour la chute de l’histoire… parce que ça c’est dommage pour le mec… mais juste pour vous rapeller qu’en ne faisant pas “press to talk” vous vous exposez à ce que quelqu’un vous entendent vous astiquer le manche et bien plus… véridique : (source www.bash.org)
Oh shit almost forgot to tell you guys… The funniest thing ever happened today…
There's this dude living beneath my apartment and some other dude across the street
and we talk from time to time so we decided to have a litte chat on my teamspeak server
so after talking a while
one of the guys said he had to leave for a while so the server got really quiet…
Though this guy didn't use push to talk so after like 10 minutes of inactivity on the server I started hear moanings and shit from my speakers
and I was playing really loud music
Then you hear his mom come in and he's like "oh shit, it's not what it looks like" and she goes of screaming "YOU'RE MASTURBATING?!?!" and starts crying and shit and tells him to move out and stuff like that
holy fuck
You should have seen the look on his face when I met him in the elevator later today… He gave me the dirtiest look ever… and said "Did you really have to play so god damn loud music?? The whole block heard of my mom and that shit"